Red Tail’s Karin Baldwin Quayle will be back again at RTF teaching a hands-on educational 2 day workshop on November 2nd and 3rd!
Cost of the class is $295 and includes a manual. Space is limited to a small group for personal attention. No prior bodywork or massage experience is required to take this class. Safe horse handling skills are necessary. Please PM, email, text or call for more information or with questions about the class.
973-255-7826 or
About Karin: Karin has practiced massage therapy and bodywork since 2002 and has over 1500 hours of education in science and hands-on training in numerous modalities. She has studied with John Barnes and equine MFR practitioners and now focuses on MFR and Cranio-Sacral therapies.
About Myofascial Release Therapy: This extraordinary bodywork was developed by John F. Barnes, PT, for humans and then he extended his work to horses. MFR focuses on finding and releasing restrictions in the 3D Myofascial web that surrounds every cell, muscle, tendon, ligament, bone and organ. The work goes to the deepest level of the body to restore balance in the horse. The goals of MFR are to:
* Release patterns of strain
* Relieve soft tissue and nerve pain
* Restore range of motion and postural distortion & compensation
* Restore mobility, strength and endurance
* Return the horse to his athletic function